Sunday, January 10, 2010

The 3 Hour Glucose Test a.k.a. Hell on Earth!

We received a call from our Doctor's office a day or so after the first test. My iron count was low and my sugar was too high. My iron was at a 9 and she told me it needs to be at a 12 before I can give birth to Bug. She gave me the name of an iron suppliment that I need to take and we scheduled the 3-hour test. We went to the library and got some nutrition books on Gestational Diabetes and then to the grocery. I changed my diet right then and started the iron suppliments.

Thursday night started the fasting which really wasn't a big deal until Friday morning when I wanted something to drink. We went in to the doctors office and the vampire took her first vile of blood. Then I had to drink the orange glucose - at room temp! WOW! Keeping that down was a job! It's so much better when it is cold. After that we had to wait one hour for the next vile to be taken. I felt like I had morning sickness all over again.The first time I drank the poison  wasn't so bad because I could eat right after and I felt fine. This time though was not so easy.  We sat and listened to Robin Meade and Dr. Sanjay Gupta repeat themselves on the health channel over and over (btw, the "funny bone" isn't actually a bone) and then decided to go rest in the car. After an hour, we went back in and the vampire got me again. This happened a total of 4 times over three hours. After we left the doctors office I was not feeling well to say the least. I was so light headed and felt like I was going to pass out so we went to eat.

We waited 4 days for the results because it was over New Years Eve weekend (also our anniversary). Our first anniversary was a little different than what we had planned it to be but we're ok with it considering we have this beautiful baby coming soon. After the testing I came home and rested as we had plans to go out for a nice dinner that evening for our anniversary. We planned an early dinner so we didn't get caught up in the NYE festivities and traffic.

After dinner we came home and just relaxed. It was so nice after that horrible morning to relax. We watched a movie and played our favorite game, Scrabble! He had champagne, I had alcohol removed  champagne and I made some snacks. It was really a nice evening. Being 27 weeks pregnant on NYE will certaintly slow you down!

So Monday finally came and we got the call from our doctors office. She said my bloodwork came back great! What a relief! I was so worried about the possibilities of having GD and the side effects that I couldn't focus on anything else. But thankfully, we are just fine. I'm still being very careful about my sugar and salt intake though. Rather be safe than sorry. I'm still swelling in my feet and hands so I figure a low sodium diet will help that.

I looked in the mirror the other day at my bare tummy and was quite shocked at what I saw. I always look down and never to the side except in! Bug is getting big!!! According to the site he's already over 2 lbs.!! And he's just moving all about still. He and Cole play games in my tummy. It's quite funny. Cole will lay his head on my tummy and make a kissy sound and Bug will kick his cheek! He also has very warm hands and whenever he touches me Bug kicks him right on his hand! Cole just giggles. He loves it. I'm glad we are able to find ways for him to be involved too.

I'm at 28 weeks now and I am feeling it! My back has been more and more achy and my energy level has been slowing down. It's definately time for me to realize I cannot accomplish everything I want to in one day but things will still get done. We had a visitor this past week (my cousin Tyger) and she and I applied the first coating of paint to Bugs room. Bugs diaper stacker came in the mail so we were able to match the paint color. It's so cute! The little fox is suede and the colors are beautiful! His room color is called Cliff rock from Behr. I think it looks like a teddy bears color. Light brown. Very very cute!! I will be excited to finish it soon and then we can put his furniture together. Small progress on a very important project!

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